Change of direction at the age of 50! ... Is that even a thing?

While thinking and preparing for a post on social media these thoughts came to me which I wanted to share.


I’m guessing because of my algorithms I tend to view a lot of articles and stories about young people, especially woman carving their business niche in the world. Recognition which has long been overdue. I am in awe of these ladies, who have taken the plunge into hard work, sleepless nights, being a mother and running a business. Following a passion and seeing it flourish.  Some may look at this piece of writing as negative maybe even regret about my life, this is not so. I am starting to feel content of my accomplishments big or small.  What I am trying to express is I don’t see or hear much in the way of older woman 50+ changing their direction in life, seeking some other sort of fulfilment. They have worked all their life, whether it be for money or not. They have put their passions, thoughts, and desires on the back burner to establish themselves in a ‘reliable/safe’ career and nurture their family. Now that has been completed, what would you really like to try your hand at? A lot of us think we are too old to learn a language, study or start a business. Thoughts run through our mind that we have left this change too late or concerned about what will people say, how will I be judged? What if I fail?  Am I having a breakdown?! Ha! No, you haven’t. It has dawned on me, we have stages in our life, and this is just another stage, some will explore and grow into the next stage, others content to stay where they are and deal with what comes their way and some will be wanting, yearning to jump into their passion or look forward to change. There is space amongst us to recognise these women and give praise of the journey they will or have taken.  This small piece of writing will hopefully find those ladies who are ready for change and give them encouragement (and myself) that we are not alone, others feel this way too.

Please feel free to share your story with me – I’d love to hear that life after 50 can change … successfully.

"Career transitions are possible at any age" by Sophia Symeou from the ABC

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Love this perspective! Very enlightening read

Sarina Finocchiaro

Very inspiring! Thankyou so much for sharing, can’t wait to see where this takes you😊

Bianca Finocchiaro

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